A Scary Home Companion
Drinking whiskey in the kitchen and telling scary stories around the fire. Music and mayhem, fearful fiction and furious fact, tall tales and terrible truths. A Scary Home Companion is a sinister variety show, featuring original stories and original music
A Scary Home Companion
Night of the Long Knives
Nathaniel Hensley
Season 3
Episode 9
The Horror Epic Begins Here!
A hidden asylum filled with a sinister pantheon of the most sadistic and dangerous human monsters in the world:
The Cannibal, the Summer Camp Killer, the Torturer, the Killer Clown, the Evil Genius, the Identity Thief, the Hitchhiker, the Posthuman Abomination, the Split, and the Mutant
Now they have escaped. God help us all.
Music this episode by:
Sara Afonso - The Asylum
Matt Sekel - Trapped in Your Basement
Bastard Noise - Forgotten Prisoners
Sextile – Crimson
theme music by the talented Chelsea Oxendine
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