A Scary Home Companion
Drinking whiskey in the kitchen and telling scary stories around the fire. Music and mayhem, fearful fiction and furious fact, tall tales and terrible truths. A Scary Home Companion is a sinister variety show, featuring original stories and original music
A Scary Home Companion
A Head Full of Acid
Nathaniel Hensley
Season 2
Episode 6
Join me for 3 debauched tales where pharmaceuticals become the instruments of terror, where drugs are both weapons and gateways to other worlds.
LSD smashes open the doors of perception
DMT blasts your spirit into another place, where creatures wait for you
Succinylcholine paralyzes you, making it feel like you have no mouth even though you must scream.
featuring an array of stellar music by
the Birds of Paradise
Apache Tomcat
and the opening theme provided by Chelsea Oxendine
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